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Chandrika Sandal Soap 75g



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Chandrika Sandal Soap 75g

AED 1.95



Sandalwood, Nature's Favourite Aroma : The sweet-scented extracts of sandalwood have traditionally been used for their aromatic propoerties. Sandalwood helps cool the body, tone the skin, and enliven dehydrated skin owing to its soothing and moisturising properties. Its antibacterial and anti-tanning nature helps keep your skin clear and prevents scars and marks. Sandalwood also helps tighten the skin, making it more youthful and glowing..*Coconut Oil, the Swiss-Army Knife of Skincare​ : While it has been used in Ayurveda for centuries, coconut oil has only recently been rediscovered for its skincare capabilities. It replenishes the skin's natural oils, and soothes the skin, reducing outbreaks and irritation. Coconut oil is also known to be rich in antioxidants and Vitamin E  that ward off free radicals, which means that it helps slow the aging process—making your skin soft, supple, and radiant.*Patchouli Oil , Your Skin's Best Friend :The earthy fragrance of patchouli oil also brings along antifungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a naturally effective way to promote the growth of new skin cells, which helps speed up the healing of scars and reduces unevenness in skin tone. It is also known to help control acne and body odour. With patchouli oil, very little goes a long way in giving you healthy and happy skin

With the goodness of sandalwood and coconut, Chandrika Sandal Soap is nature's perfect therapy for skin . Coconut oil and extracts from sandalwood cleanse and refresh the body, it helps keeping it soft and smooth and gently perfumed.

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