Preparation Guidelines
The sweetener DIET Rádisson is appropriate to sweeten any kind of food (desserts, yoghourts, cereals, etc) and drinks (coffee, teas, juices, etc) Can be used for cooking, substituting the white sugar.
Diet Rádisson has been working to provide you with the most healthy and tasty products for over 75 years. It’s range of breads, cakes, biscuits, cereals, seeds, fruits, pasta, superfoods, jams, juices and supplements have been fully researched and they are made from quality ingredients and formulas.
Fructose is a natural sweetener present in fruits with a delight flavour, to be used in place of common sugar (saccharose). Tolerated by diabetics, as long as the intake is reasonable. Fructose is sweeter than saccharose; a spoon of fructose is like one and a half spoon for saccharose. Glycemic index of fructose is 20, much lower than saccharose: 70. Being sweeter than saccharose, the quantity used for the same sugar flavour is smaller, this involve less calories.
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