Words by Choithrams
Date 11.08.21

Having studied culinary science and worked with some of the best dessert chefs all over the world, Carmen Rueda is a master of all things sweet

One of the most innovative pastry and chocolatiers of the time, and two-time runner up at the prestigious World Chocolate Masters, Spaniard Rueda, 38, is the head pastry chef at BRIX in Dubai.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in a small village in the mountains in the centre of Spain. We were surrounded by freshly-grown produce like fruits, nuts, olives for making the best olive oil and more. It was an inspiration.

Did you eat your veggies?

Yes, of course. Veggies are a big part of the Mediterranean diet and I was raised to love them.

When did you know you wanted to be a chef?

I’ve been cooking since I was a kid and have memories of cooking with my grandmother and my mum. At six years old, I started to play with chocolate (not in a professional way) and with each day, becoming a chef just made sense to me.

Do you have a favourite food memory?

I used to spend the holidays at my grandparent's house. I would melt chocolate in the microwave and cover real rose leaves. It was the only way I could make edible leaves. I would put them in the fridge and feel so proud.

How difficult was your training?

Training is something that never stops. It has been constant throughout my career. There was one place in Barcelona where the hours were long, which made it tough. But challenges come in all shapes and sizes. Everything was new and we had to learn a lot of unique techniques.

What inspires you?

Inspiration comes from memories and feelings, flavours, new products and a lot of reading. When you are looking for a new dish, you have a primary idea and let it evolve organically. Just trying to make it perfect will allow the best ideas to flow.

Favourite kitchen gadget?

In the last 10 years, many new gadgets have made their way into the kitchen, which allows you to develop great techniques. I have this kind of vacuum machine with lots of attachments and you can create bubbles, remove them, and compress things. It’s wonderful.

Best piece of advice you would give a home enthusiast?

Keep trying and never give up, even if the recipes you do are not perfect, to begin with. Pastry perfection is all about knowledge and passion.

Best cooking tip for a novice just getting into the business?

Work hard and never stop learning. Don’t be fooled by social media, it only shows a small part of the business, the final results. The reality is working hard and always being willing to learn.

What’s the most popular dish at BRIX and what’s your spin on it?

The lemon tart. I created my version with a twist of a basil sponge, served with basil ice cream. It’s unique and refreshingly light and it always garners plenty of lovely praise.

What products should we be buying in the UAE?

The regional honey is really good and very healthy. It's something that should be on your radar.

Five ‘must-have’ basket items…

Quinoa, green beans, oranges, fish and apples.

Funniest kitchen incident?

One of the guys was preparing a big batch of ice cream. When he was finished, he was trying to pour the ice cream into smaller containers and the pot slipped. There was ice cream everywhere, including all over him.

Who in the food world do you most admire?

There are many chefs that I admire, but I have so much respect for Ferran Adria. He has revolutionised the food industry in many ways and understands that sharing knowledge is how we can get better.

Favourite foods to cook with?

I love to cook with fresh vegetables and fruits. The different flavours that you get depending on the technique you use can be so wide and varied.

What is the most challenging ingredient to work with?

Flour. In pastry we use many types of flour and in basic recipes, it always works. Trying to create new textures and techniques can be so challenging because if you over or under mix it will change the final product.

What do you like to eat when you’re at home?

Usually I cook Asian food. I love the variety of flavours. It's my go-to for sure and probably the type of food I cook the most when I'm not working.

Are there any foods you just don’t like?

As a chef, you have to like all kinds of food in order to understand flavour. So I have almost trained myself to enjoy everything, even if it isn’t my favourite.

Favourite cookbooks?

All books by Harold Mcgee, as well as any of the Modernist Cuisine series.

What is going to be the next big thing in the food world?

I would love to see desserts taking a bigger role in the food world. Desserts are more than just sweet things after a meal.

What do you do for fun?

I do like to swim and taking part in other sports. But I also love to go out and discover new places for good food and great coffee, especially with my friends.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

Difficult to choose just one. I love Bangkok, London, Singapore and of course, Hervas (my hometown) in Spain. Perhaps it isn't possible to have just one!

What do you most love about your job?

I love that I have the power to make people experience so many sensations with just one bite of chocolate. It evokes memories and that is something very special. I know I am incredibly lucky to do what I do.

If you had just one wish, what would it be?

My wish would be that every individual could appreciate how a small action has a huge impact on the planet. From food consumption to wastage, it all makes a difference.

What would be your ‘Last Supper’ meal? Your ‘Death Row’ meal, as the late Anthony Bourdain put it?

Any Asian dish, it really wouldn’t matter which one.

Satisfy summer cravings with the new BRIX menu at the Jumeirah Fishing Harbour or Souk Al Bahar, Downtown Dubai. They've switched up the menu to transport your taste buds into a summer state of mind. Let the lemon Tart (Dhs45) be your main squeeze, with a zesty lemon curd, basil sponge topped with creamy vanilla foam. A super fresh taste of summer in every mouthful. Enjoy it before it melts.


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