Words by Choithrams
Date 06.06.23

Book list, study plan and exam timetable - check. What about nutrition?

The pressure is on for many students who will be taking exams in the coming days and weeks.

But when you hit the books it's easy to forget the basics, especially when it comes to nutrition.

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Actual time spent studying is vital in helping you to get the best results you can, but what you eat can also help your brain to be at its best on exam day.

Balance your diet

The first and most basic thing to focus on is that you are getting a balanced diet. 

An easy guide is to make sure you are getting your five-a-day from fruit and vegetables, some whole grains and enough protein from meat, poultry, fish, beans, lentils and eggs. 

Try and resist the temptation to snack on high fat and sugary treats when you are studying, this will result in crashes in energy, which not be the best for sustaining concentration.

Go fresh when you hit the books

Something fishy

Did you know that you brain is mostly made from fat? The omega-3 fat DHA is an important part of your brain and DHA is important for normal brain function. 

You will find DHA in oil-rich fish like salmon, trout and mackerel as well as shellfish like mussels.



Salmon Fillet - Skin On



Mussels -Defrosted

Stay hydrated

It can be hard to think clearly when you are dehydrated – drinking two litres of water a day helps cognitive (or thinking) functions in your brain. 

Try having a glass of water with every meal and keep a glass next to you at all times while you are studying.

Go Ironman

Iron helps to carry oxygen around your blood and oxygen is just as important for the brain as any other part of your body. 

Good iron levels are important for a healthy brain. Think lean beef, chickpeas, kidney beans, spinach, lentils, sardines and fortified breakfast cereals.

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