Words by Choithrams
Date 17.11.22

Enjoy a great Thanksgiving feast for one or two people

Just because you're not surrounded by your entire family doesn't mean American Thanksgiving has to be cancelled this year.

Taking place on November 24, Thanksgiving is historically a time for big family gatherings, or time spent over giant meals with friends.

However, Thanksgiving for two or three can be just as much fun and in many ways, intimately special.

We show you how to best "tiny size" Thanksgiving, perfect for just a few.

The bird

Yes, you have to forget the big, whole bird, unless you want to be eating leftovers until the end of time, but that doesn't rule out a meaty centrepiece.

When there’s only one or two of you, go for something the right size. Make a chicken, a very small turkey, game hens, a boneless turkey breast, or turkey tenderloins.

Turkey roast_2022_shutterstock_1969468822.jpg

Those last two can sometimes be up to 1kg, which will leave you plenty of leftover meat for sandwiches, soups and turkey pot pie.

Fancy trying something different? We suggest quail - a small bird that is tasty and perfect served with steamed parsnips.

Sideline the sides

Making a dozen side dishes is too much when you're only a few people, so instead, choose your top three favourites and make them memorable.

If you prefer sweet potatoes to mashed, then just go ahead and make the orange ones. Sometimes less is more.

Roasted vegetables_2022_shutterstock_314139458.jpg

If you really love roasted veggies, go wild on a baking sheet cooking up to four different ones at once. You can even arrange them in seperate sections of the baking tray if they each have different cooking times.

Save the best for last

Regardless of how many people are eating with you, Thanksgiving dinner isn’t complete without dessert. But no need to go crazy baking.


Instead, head to Choithrams.com and pick up cakes, pies and cheesecakes in single slices to avoid any waste.

There is also an abundance of frozen options for those who prefer to have something just ready to whip out.

Everything you need for a great Thanksgiving feast

Gravy dreams

Now, about the gravy. A handy tub of Bisto is by far your best friend.

If you're short on time, space and energy, it's not worth stressing about.

Simply pour the juices from the meat tray into your pot of readymade Bisto and nobody will ever know the difference.

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